about me

victoria is a 20-something australian registered nurse travelling the world alone again. she has a huge soft spot for a school called “little ray of hope” in nairobi, kenya, and an enormous desire to be constantly travelling.

so far in my travels, having a blog has let me write about things I’ve experienced, things that get me worked up, inspired, in love, in remembrance, half-way and home. a godsend in a continent as unforgiving as africa, and when travelling alone.

I do write exactly like I speak, so there will be more than the occasional swear word. I make no apologies, it’s who I am.

3 thoughts on “about me

  1. Hi, I am a friend of a friend and believe what you are doing is soo great-” one small act of kindness can change the world”.If we all do it there WOULD be a better world.

  2. Hey! The picture you posted on one of your blogs that quoted someone as saying “something in my genes recognize it as home.” What book was that?! Thanks!

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