I’m a teardrop in an ocean of flames

our first day at little ray of hope was just like every other time I’ve been back.. full of laughter, smiles, singing, clapping and cheers. it was just the best day.

we walked up the dark stairs, then along this walk way on the 1st floor of the apartment building into the iron door you can see just there. that’s our school. two tiny rooms packed with 91 kids this year.  lots of tears when I saw evelyn, that she swept away from my face with her thumbs. then hugs for mum, these two women finally meeting was pretty special. then the roar of cheers from the kids as we enter the classes, many of the littlest ones I don’t know – it’s been two years since I last was here. but evelyn had organised for all our sponsored kids to have a day from school to come and spend the day with us – that was awesome. these are all little faces anna and I have been showing to you guys on facebook or instagram to get sponsored and here they are; dressed so smartly in their new uniforms, proud as punch to tell us that their new school is great. 

I know I only speak kidogo kiswahili (a little swahili), but lots of the most used phrases came rushing back as soon as I stepped into the classes. kaa chini (sit down), maliza (finish), nyamaza (silent), kula (eat)… the extent of my swahili to be honest. 

I remember that if you shout “1,2…” then the kids say “zip” and they’re quiet (mostly). I remember all the prayers they say before their porridge, before their lunch, and before any snacks we bring like yogurts or biscuits etc. 

“when I want to pray, I put my hands together, I close my eyes, I bow down my head, then I’m ready to pray. oh god, bless our ‘porridge’ in jesus’ name amen. thankyou god for this day, amen”

I guess maybe the best moment of this week has been seeing our last three boys who needed to be sponsored receive their uniforms and books, as they were all sponsored by a recent visitor to little ray of hope named robyn. anna and I have organised many children to be sponsored over the last 3.5 years, but I’ve never seen their faces when they get their uniforms or textbooks. evelyn asked the boys – basil, rooney and bruno – to go and try on their uniforms and mate, if you could’ve seen their faces; the sheer happiness and pride in putting them on. I can’t explain it, and I wish all of our kids sponsors (current and future) could just see the change in these boys the minute they put on their newest uniforms – it makes all of this worth it. for all of the kids. and then, seeing the reactions of their mums or their guardians; one of the guardians had tears seeing rooney dressed and couldn’t thank us enough. 

and it’s not even us they should be thanking – it’s all of you guys who have graciously decided to sponsor a child for their schooling. it may seem like a long commitment but these kids benefit so much from having a chance. with many street kids addicted to sniffing glue or petrol, we so badly want the best for these little ones. and the opportunity for anyone to come to nairobi and visit their sponsor child and the school isn’t out of reach – unlike something like world vision (not being rude, just saying it’s harder in massive organisations)

it’s been a big week though, between many tears and many smiles. it’s either exteme happiness or utter sadness; I’m not sure if I’ve found an emotion for in the middle, at least for when i’m in kenya. evelyn has organised that the kids who are malnourished get fresh fruit everyday, something that our money goes towards. the fruit man comes and delivers apples or oranges each day and there are 6 kids who stand and eat their fruit before going home. 

such a wonderful initiative that hopefully we can do for all the kids one day. 

so much writing, but that’s our first week. x

One thought on “I’m a teardrop in an ocean of flames

  1. Thanx Victoria for your beautiful blog.Thoroughly loved it. Those little children are so precious.
    The smiles on their faces are enough to melt our hearts. The photos of those three little boys
    Standing tall and proud,in their new uniforms were priceless.Tricia looks like she is loving this wonderful experience.Stay safe,.God bless you both and these precious children and not to forget Evelyn.πŸ’•β€πŸ‘ΆπŸ‘ΆπŸ‘ΆπŸ˜˜

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